Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Visit from Pop-Pop

My Pop-Pop came for a visit and I was really happy to get to see him! My moms and I are looking forward to when my Neena and Pop-Pop move to their new house in Dahlonega so I can go and play in the mountains!

I had my three-month check-up yesterday and I weigh 15 lb 7oz! Dr. Thomas says that I am tall but weigh what I am supposed to for my height. These days I have so much drool, and I do try to tell my moms about it with new babbles and words that I can understand, but all they can seem to figure out is how to put a bib on me. They did get me a few teethers that I am starting to like, but I really just like to chew on a washcloth the best right now.

My mommy Jennifer goes back to work next week and she's nervous about leaving me but excited too. Mom Carrie and I keep telling her it's going to be just fine. The pics below are with me and Pop-Pop, and then of me getting ready for bed and chillin' in my crib. I was so tired, but mommy was relentless with the camera. Stay cool, and I'll catch ya later! Cooper

1 comment:

Mom said...

You are beautiful Cooper!!
